I do not want to make any excuses as to why I haven't add any recipes up, but a few things have been going on recently that have taken my time of cooking proper dinners (dinners that do not consist of tuna sandwiches, taco packet dinners, or hot dogs) but I am glad to say I am back, and with even more vigor!
The first reason I have not been active on my site is because my sister recently went to school to become a real estate broker (I believe this is what her job title is called) and she has three young ones all different ages. I have been watching them most of the days in a week to help her out so she is able to sell her first home and to just lend a hand so she can get some work done. After a day of calling leads and going to showings she actually works at home at night so she does not have time, to be able to do the steps she needs to sell houses if the kids were there.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Lost My Wisdom
As the title says, I have lost my wisdom....teeth! On July 31st I had surgery at 8am (too early to even function!) to remove impacted wisdom teeth. When we did x-rays it showed that I had only three wisdom teeth, so I can say I'm not in complete pain but two of those were my bottom wisdom teeth with are the most annoying ones every! With top wisdom teeth there isn't really anything you need to watch out for, food can't really get stuck in the top but the bottom, if you have anything that has small things in it, will most likely end up in the hole where your wisdom tooth was. So something as simple as strawberries (whether it was yogurt, smoothie or an actual strawberry) was out of the diet till you were able to chew and clean out the holes properly!
When you first get them out, you will need protein and a lot of stuff that will help you heal faster. I had yogurt, yogurt fruit smoothies, pudding, vitamin water (different flavors!), jello, cream of chicken (blended with an immersion blender!) The day after around 9pm I was so wanting something that would fill me more and wasn't so sweet (who would of thought not wanting icecream!). I scoured the web to find some soft food recipes but a lot of them were things like tofu and at 9 o'clock at night, I was not going to go to the store to buy some tofu. Finally I found something so simple, that had me questioning why I didn't think of it before. Scrambled eggs! They will fill your stomach, make you happy and you could add just about any seasoning to it! But I'm just like my grandmother when it comes to making eggs, you only need eggs, milk, salt and pepper. It's so easy to just eat eggs because you don't really have to chew them and they go down easily.
When you first get them out, you will need protein and a lot of stuff that will help you heal faster. I had yogurt, yogurt fruit smoothies, pudding, vitamin water (different flavors!), jello, cream of chicken (blended with an immersion blender!) The day after around 9pm I was so wanting something that would fill me more and wasn't so sweet (who would of thought not wanting icecream!). I scoured the web to find some soft food recipes but a lot of them were things like tofu and at 9 o'clock at night, I was not going to go to the store to buy some tofu. Finally I found something so simple, that had me questioning why I didn't think of it before. Scrambled eggs! They will fill your stomach, make you happy and you could add just about any seasoning to it! But I'm just like my grandmother when it comes to making eggs, you only need eggs, milk, salt and pepper. It's so easy to just eat eggs because you don't really have to chew them and they go down easily.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
It's a homemade tor-tee-ya!....or is it a tor-til-ah
A few weeks ago I was at my sister's house to watch her three youngins' so she could clean the house and get some things done that needed to get done. She recently has been into making her own bread, pizza dough, and tortillas. While the two older kids watched Dora, and the youngest bouncing away in his bouncer, my sister decided she wanted to make tacos with a homemade tortilla recipe.
After we got everything cooked (with some flavoring of my home grown cilantro), she let me have a taco and I can't even begin to describe the delicious-ness the tortilla. At first I was skeptical of eating a homemade tortilla because my mother and I made one before and it called for lard and when we cooked it, there was no flavor and it was just not good. With that carved in my mind, I ate the tortilla thinking it was going to be gross and bland but it was not and I'm still in shock that I enjoyed it so much.
A week after I went searching on the Internet for a tortilla recipe because I wanted to make tacos the next night, and I couldn't find any that I went through on Tasty Kitchen that didn't have any lard in it so I went through my bookmarks and there it was, the recipe for the tortillas! I do recommend trying out this recipe because you will not be disappointed with this recipe!
Thanks so much Homesick Texan! I would be having terrible thoughts about homemade tortillas without this recipe!

After we got everything cooked (with some flavoring of my home grown cilantro), she let me have a taco and I can't even begin to describe the delicious-ness the tortilla. At first I was skeptical of eating a homemade tortilla because my mother and I made one before and it called for lard and when we cooked it, there was no flavor and it was just not good. With that carved in my mind, I ate the tortilla thinking it was going to be gross and bland but it was not and I'm still in shock that I enjoyed it so much.
A week after I went searching on the Internet for a tortilla recipe because I wanted to make tacos the next night, and I couldn't find any that I went through on Tasty Kitchen that didn't have any lard in it so I went through my bookmarks and there it was, the recipe for the tortillas! I do recommend trying out this recipe because you will not be disappointed with this recipe!
Thanks so much Homesick Texan! I would be having terrible thoughts about homemade tortillas without this recipe!

Monday, June 11, 2012
Double The Chocolate And The Peanut Butter Please!
Like the title says, this cupcake recipe has double the chocolate and double the peanut butter in it! This is a delicious cupcake that will be a hit with people who love the combination of chocolate and peanut butter!
I had a friend staying over a few weeks ago for the day and we decided to bake something sweet, so I searched Tasty Kitchen for a cupcake recipe that we could make with what I had on hand. The requirements that the recipe had to have, was chocolate, chocolate and MORE chocolate. Finally I found one that seemed to suit our demands (the demands were very high too!) with a chocolate cupcake base with added chocolate chips and peanut butter in it!
This recipe is so chocolately that I'm sure if I ate enough of them I could of gone into a foodcoma. The frosting is something else! It is a peanut butter buttercream frosting, that seems like you're eating it straight from the jar but is so much fluffier than that! After reading and making sure I had all the ingredients (and looking at the delicious photograph) we went to town! I hope more people try this recipe out, because it is a whole cupcake recipe from scratch not a box mix!
I had a friend staying over a few weeks ago for the day and we decided to bake something sweet, so I searched Tasty Kitchen for a cupcake recipe that we could make with what I had on hand. The requirements that the recipe had to have, was chocolate, chocolate and MORE chocolate. Finally I found one that seemed to suit our demands (the demands were very high too!) with a chocolate cupcake base with added chocolate chips and peanut butter in it!
This recipe is so chocolately that I'm sure if I ate enough of them I could of gone into a foodcoma. The frosting is something else! It is a peanut butter buttercream frosting, that seems like you're eating it straight from the jar but is so much fluffier than that! After reading and making sure I had all the ingredients (and looking at the delicious photograph) we went to town! I hope more people try this recipe out, because it is a whole cupcake recipe from scratch not a box mix!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Apologies and News
Hello Everyone!
First I would like to apologize to everyone (if anyone is reading this) who have waited for an update and have yet to receive one due to my forgetfulness. I am back though and I am able to actually get on the computer and update whenever I like now! I had a computer that was unreliable and I would never know if I would be able to get on it the next day, but now everything is fixed so I am able to post recipes for your delight!
I have a few questions for you. I am always curious to know what everyone would like to see posted more, like desserts, main dishes, appetizers, drinks etc... Just leave a comment in the comment box down below to tell me what you would like to see more often. Also would you like to see more reviews on recipes that I pick out? Or if you send me one for me to try that is your own recipe? I am willing to make some one's recipe unless it ask for stuff that is unusual and I have to go hunting down the ingredients for. I also can make some freezer friendly recipes if anyone wants some, so just go to the comment box and tell me what you would like and what you do not want to see more of!
I am on The Pioneer Woman's Tasty Kitchen site, and if you want to find me just look me up under my blog name: The Dashing Chic (without the spaces I believe). I will also be posting recipes over there for you guys to enjoy. It is a site where you can browse recipes, so if you find one on there and aren't too sure about it, just ask and I may just do the recipe and review it for you.
I do believe that is all I have to say, so I hope to see you in the future, and do not be shy! Go ahead and send me an email or subscribe to get updates by mail!
With Heartfelt Apologies,
Catherine Mae, The Dashing Chic
First I would like to apologize to everyone (if anyone is reading this) who have waited for an update and have yet to receive one due to my forgetfulness. I am back though and I am able to actually get on the computer and update whenever I like now! I had a computer that was unreliable and I would never know if I would be able to get on it the next day, but now everything is fixed so I am able to post recipes for your delight!
I have a few questions for you. I am always curious to know what everyone would like to see posted more, like desserts, main dishes, appetizers, drinks etc... Just leave a comment in the comment box down below to tell me what you would like to see more often. Also would you like to see more reviews on recipes that I pick out? Or if you send me one for me to try that is your own recipe? I am willing to make some one's recipe unless it ask for stuff that is unusual and I have to go hunting down the ingredients for. I also can make some freezer friendly recipes if anyone wants some, so just go to the comment box and tell me what you would like and what you do not want to see more of!
I am on The Pioneer Woman's Tasty Kitchen site, and if you want to find me just look me up under my blog name: The Dashing Chic (without the spaces I believe). I will also be posting recipes over there for you guys to enjoy. It is a site where you can browse recipes, so if you find one on there and aren't too sure about it, just ask and I may just do the recipe and review it for you.
I do believe that is all I have to say, so I hope to see you in the future, and do not be shy! Go ahead and send me an email or subscribe to get updates by mail!
With Heartfelt Apologies,
Catherine Mae, The Dashing Chic
Monday, January 30, 2012
No Knead French Bread
Welcome to my site once again! Today I have decided to test out a french bread recipe from the site Tasty Kitchen then to give you guys a review on it, for you to see if you would like to try it out or not. I will not only put good reviews up, I will post reviews of recipes that absolutely failed for me, so I could be honest with my readers. Now onto the french bread!
This recipe was originally created by Pat Mendell who is a fellow Tasty Kitchen-ette. There were a few things that I changed as I went so I will add those into the recipe for you!
This recipe was originally created by Pat Mendell who is a fellow Tasty Kitchen-ette. There were a few things that I changed as I went so I will add those into the recipe for you!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I Don't Want The Whole World...
A jelly filled donut though sounds wonderful!
Welcome to my blog/site that you somehow stumbled upon. I should introduce myself though, my name is Catherine Mae and just recent I had a birthday that changed my age from twenty to twenty ONE. Now that I am old should I get a walker or a cane? (That's a little of my humor for you just incase you wanted to know how gosh darn funny I am!) Back to the matter of this post, I am here to give you the information about me that you are most likely curious about. So lets get started with a few non-personal facts:
I currently live in the wonderful grey city of Seattle which is located in Washington. The weather may be grey 80% of the time but that just means home grown herbs are more delicious! I started out cooking by being in the kitchen with my mother and helping at a young age, anywhere to measuring rice to put in the rice cooker or tearing the husk off corn, I was always in the background helping. Around the age of 14 I started taking over making dinner for the family with some help from my parents, although they were mainly Hamburger Helpers and an easy Chili recipe, that jump started me though to look through recipes that my grandmother made/edited and to try them out. As I got older I was able to look online for recipes with new things that I never tried before, or a combination that I would never of thought of. Cooking has brought me into experimenting and getting my parents, who are more than likely to have a plain hamburger, to try something that isn't only flavored with salt and pepper.
How I came up with the name The Dashing Chic, is for the fact that when I cook sometimes I will throw in a dash of oregano, or red pepper flakes. I never measure out spices or herbs I always do dashes and it came to me that I should be The Dashing Chic, not because I am so darn dashing, but for my love to dash spices!
I have become a grown woman but along the way my taste have change which is why I wanted to start a blog to share some recipes that I have loved over the years of cooking. You will sometimes get some insight into my life on here, but I will always be glad to share a recipe to anyone who wants one. I hope to hear from you guys in the future for I have big plans for this site!
With Grilled Love,
Catherine Mae, The Dashing Chic
Welcome to my blog/site that you somehow stumbled upon. I should introduce myself though, my name is Catherine Mae and just recent I had a birthday that changed my age from twenty to twenty ONE. Now that I am old should I get a walker or a cane? (That's a little of my humor for you just incase you wanted to know how gosh darn funny I am!) Back to the matter of this post, I am here to give you the information about me that you are most likely curious about. So lets get started with a few non-personal facts:
I currently live in the wonderful grey city of Seattle which is located in Washington. The weather may be grey 80% of the time but that just means home grown herbs are more delicious! I started out cooking by being in the kitchen with my mother and helping at a young age, anywhere to measuring rice to put in the rice cooker or tearing the husk off corn, I was always in the background helping. Around the age of 14 I started taking over making dinner for the family with some help from my parents, although they were mainly Hamburger Helpers and an easy Chili recipe, that jump started me though to look through recipes that my grandmother made/edited and to try them out. As I got older I was able to look online for recipes with new things that I never tried before, or a combination that I would never of thought of. Cooking has brought me into experimenting and getting my parents, who are more than likely to have a plain hamburger, to try something that isn't only flavored with salt and pepper.
How I came up with the name The Dashing Chic, is for the fact that when I cook sometimes I will throw in a dash of oregano, or red pepper flakes. I never measure out spices or herbs I always do dashes and it came to me that I should be The Dashing Chic, not because I am so darn dashing, but for my love to dash spices!
I have become a grown woman but along the way my taste have change which is why I wanted to start a blog to share some recipes that I have loved over the years of cooking. You will sometimes get some insight into my life on here, but I will always be glad to share a recipe to anyone who wants one. I hope to hear from you guys in the future for I have big plans for this site!
With Grilled Love,
Catherine Mae, The Dashing Chic
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