I do not want to make any excuses as to why I haven't add any recipes up, but a few things have been going on recently that have taken my time of cooking proper dinners (dinners that do not consist of tuna sandwiches, taco packet dinners, or hot dogs) but I am glad to say I am back, and with even more vigor!
The first reason I have not been active on my site is because my sister recently went to school to become a real estate broker (I believe this is what her job title is called) and she has three young ones all different ages. I have been watching them most of the days in a week to help her out so she is able to sell her first home and to just lend a hand so she can get some work done. After a day of calling leads and going to showings she actually works at home at night so she does not have time, to be able to do the steps she needs to sell houses if the kids were there.